3 mill-sketeers/Beelstarmill/Wild Gun (name tbd lol)
two of the 7 cost options to chose have proper color restrictions on play that might not be satisfied with current board state. Potentially just trash candidates you would want to drop with your DemiMeramon or Rebellimon
*I really like the new Rebellimon, on digivolve trash one to make it a deathtouch blocker, and since its a combo purple/black card has a pathway to Gundramon. Would need to play the deck in a more standard fashion though to get to that point, digivolve on top of shade
Omnimon Zwart might be a requirement for this deck to recycle the deputymons back into rotation if impmon doesnt do the trick
Beelzemon might also be a really good call considering the amount of impmon we play, this can go in place of zwart if impmon does a good job of returning musketeers
for now this remains as a core for 3 musketeers + some junk which looks to be a realy fun gimmick, definately playable but will probably run into some really rough brick scenarios with a bad inital draw. Just wish it wasnt so spread across 3 different colors, would have been nice for magnakidmon to have been purple/black for rebellimon/deputymon purposes. if this archetype ends up getting more support in the future with more digimon at the level 4 or 3 level would be really cool as well, but only time will tell.