Off-meta, budget-friendly deck I'm workshopping, based around the AncientVolcanomon line from SR 2.0.
The overall function of this deck is to constantly remove your opponents ability to build. Most rookies include some form of "Delete Digimon with X DP" in their abilities. The red side of the deck leading to AncientVolcanomon giving an instant board wipe if they're going wide with small bodies--or an instant nuke of a bossmon. The Zanbamon path of this deck is designed to bully your opponent by forcing stealing memory from their actions or by trashing cards.
To help with bricking, I've includied Red/Purple Guilmon and Red/Purple Growlmon as a means to flow into purple in the event that you don't get your Hybrid cards to build out the red side properly. In this current multi-color meta, it's likely that Zanbamon may end up being a monster for them to deal with.