My current EmperorGrey deck, running irl through locals with decent success. Still looking to fine tune it, but this is the version that works best for me.
I've completely given up on flamemon, Bokomon feels way better.
Candlemon replaced Ukkomon, and it feels great to have a suicide bomber that draws 1 and gives +1 memory.
Petaldramon is a question, but it comes in clutch. Not completely sold on it, but I see it.
Agunimon never used it. Could be anything.
I loved gigasmon. Clearing floodgates, procing random on deletions etc.
2nd Jetsilphymon, never came up, but it didn't brick me either.
Wargrowlmon Ace, this is where I'd put a second Medieval, if I had one. Instead, I tried Garudamon Ace, Valkyrimon Ace and Susanomon Ace with 2 Lord of Devastation and Rebirth over the 2 Ancient Guardian Deity. Wargrowlmon Ace gives me occasionally something that this deck lacks, AoE board removal and floodgate removal if you don't have Gigasmon inherit. Is it meta breaking? Not really. Could I run 2 for consistency over 1 Jet? Maybe. Am I sold on the card? Not really, but it's good enough and more useful than Garuda Ace was, so far.
Option card ratio. I'm not sure. Wind to flame could be at 2, but 3 feels way better. I was even thinking making it 4. Since the deck runs 3 Emperors, recycling them feels great.
Cards I feel like have some cooking potential. Ice Wall, Hammer Spark, 1 Tech EmperorGreymon BT7-016, 1-2 Crimson Blaze. Replace 1-2 Takuya & with Takuya Kanbara BT7-085, Gravity Crush, 2 Aldamon BT7-014.