Egg Deck

2025-01-27 14:50:10
+ 1Quartzmon (BT12-057)+ 1Heaven's Judgement (EX4-068)+ 3Agility Training (P-106)+ 3Galemon (P-166)+ 1Zephagamon (ST18-12)- 1Hidden Potential Discovered! (BT3-103)- 1Vortex Resonance (EX7-074)- 1MedievalGallantmon (EX8-074)- 2Green Memory Boost! (P-038)- 1Digimon Liberator (P-151)- 1Kokatorimon (ST18-07)- 1Galemon (ST18-08)- 1Shoto Kazama (ST18-14)

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