ALL opinions and options of the deck are welcome and will be updating it continually
this is a option im seeing for bw it is important to note that some cards are here more for the act of diminishing digivolution costs, i believe the deck to be extremly consistent in getting you to the end goal being BW since you have 11 searches and in them you have the bt8 agumon being a double search so its really improbable that you wif since you are running a huge amount of greymons.
i am indeed seeing since this can help or cause problems with the same one and the x antybody i dont really like it however the black line of x does requiere you to have it
as a digivolution material for the protection and the black red of greymon reduces costs min 1 max 2 and the nokias means you can get to bwg on turn 2 with yuuya on field or 2 memory and a nokia you can jump from rookie to ultimate and drawing 3 cards from evolutions or even to mega as side deck options im putting bt 2 wargrey for wider boards 1 is enough since you can search it. kinda sad if it goes to security honestly, from there you got the thing i think is more important due to meta: DP.
Black wargreymon is a controll type deck so it is important to keep controll of the board and swing over bigger dudes hence you need DP its not aas controll as security controll hence you do need to swing to the opponents digimon and be agro with them otherwise you wont be able to achieve what you want game with gaio.
My opinion black wargreymon from bt8 is pretty much obligatoryy and it is needed to have on the field for ealy controll hence the 4 copies. Yes you dont want to have to evolve it into gaio since you will lose on some board presure however the fact that BW is the only digimon with 2 diferent X antybody versions makes him special mainly due to the ability to recicle and adapt. you need more protection go for XBW need to puyt pressure jump into gaio.
as for side/options on main i pretty much like filling in with high impact options fitting for the match since you have a good variety of cards to choose this are just the ones i think are most usefull. however i would still keep the bt2 bw since he can clear wider boards and is usefull vs some matchups like, beelze, mastemon, armor rush, the upcoming blue deck that plays from sources in bt10, venusmon, and imperialdra purple red, just to name a few.